Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SLIM, SASS, jQuery, JavaScript, MaterializedCSS, ReactJS on Rails
I've builded this code school review application on my own as a homework assignment during my developer traineeship at Codaisseur. The purpose of this project was to exercise all the acquired skills before the final week.
A Project Management tool with a RESTful API back-end in Rails using JSON & a ReactJS front-end. I've worked on this project in a team of 4, in the 4th week of my developer traineeship.
CatChat Application has a ReactJS Front-end, connected to a FeathersJS / SocketIO / ExpressJS, Back-end API that uses MongoDB. I created this app during my traineeship to get familiar with different kinds of frameworks.
I've made this music database as a homework assignment after the 2de week of my traineeship. The main objective was to learn the basics of Ruby on Rails and CRUD, User Authentication & File Upload.
A Hackaton project made in the final week of my traineeship at Codaisseur 2016. Connecting to as much Public API's as possible... The idea was to create an app providing an overview of the best movies, music and trending tweets with a simple push of a button.
I created this Rubber Duck Puzzle as an experiment, While practicing my skills and understanding the impact of using multiple open-source JavaScript libraries combined.
I ported this Arcade style game out of an open-source JavaScript engine I've found on GitHub. For the “Samsung Gear App Challenge 2014”. Although I did not win the first prize, I'm still very surprised to see that it has over 310+ downloads, with a total revenue of around $500 on PayPal since uploaded it to the Samsung app store for Wearables!
demo YouTube Channel Samsung Gear App Challenge 2014
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tizen SDK
I made this game with a PhaseIO template. Ported and uploaded it to the Samsung app store for Wearables. Sometimes I like to port games just for fun and make them work on my Samsung Gear watch. This is definitely one of those games!
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PhaseIO, Tizen SDK
This is my own project called WebTotally. As I am also a SEO-Specialist and a certified Google partner, I'm slowly building a web-platform where i will sell services like SEO, SEO optimised Web Design & PPC Management to companies.
Wordpress, WooCommerce, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL, PHP, Cron, MailChimp, Google Analytics, Piwik
This a live internet marketing project i've build by my self that automatically collects leads, it is optimised to be on the #1 position in Google for certain keywords in Switzerland.
WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Google Analytics, Google Search Console.
Detektei Müller GmbH is a detektive agency based in Switzerland. I designed and developed this website in collaboration with Private Media GmbH in 2014.
WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Google Analytics. Live Heatmap Tracking, Search Engine Optimisation
Tola Fugentechnik GmbH is a Swiss local construction company. I've designe and build this Search Engine Optimized website at the end of 2013 in collaboration with Private Media GmbH
WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Google Analytics. Google Adwords, Search Engine Optimisation